Moving to Eclipse 2 - Working out the basic process
Installation was all well and good, but now I need to make a few minor changes to the site, so let's go through the process.
- I get the weirdest, boringest links in my Adsense area lately, so I'm going to experiment with positioning by include script. Nothing too stunning technically, but since I use Blogger I have to go through some minor hoops to get stuff in the template. This is where Eclipse has already failed at being the silver bullet that kills all - but my Firefox fills in nicely, especially since I have multiple tabs open (Blogger dashboard, my blog page, and Google for "tech support").
- Well, that didn't seem to help, so I'll restore the position - too lazy to mess with the CSS issues it caused. I guess I'll have to study up on other resources ...
- Eclipse and Firefox are nice, but my favorite "tool" is my dual display - laptop screen plus desktop screen. I had dual displays (VGA and monochrome) back in my C days, and boy did I miss them - thanks Win XP.
- I use WB Editor to compose my blog postings ... guess I'll have to poke around for an Eclipse plugin to post to my blog ...
- Nice Engadget post (ripped from BoingBoing) re: yet another linklet at the bottom of my posts - who's linking to this post? Fairly smooth, really should think about replacing some of that stuff near the bottom with icons.
- I'm having
Ok, nothing really stunning so far, almost a 1 for 1 replacement of Crimson - but I got stuck "migrating" the batch files I used to push my updates to my production server. I burned a ton of time stuck in my old mindset, of Crimson the flexible editor / but all automation external with Batch files.
Ah, Eclipse brings FTP support to the table, although in hindsite I also suppose it did not jump out at me because for basic HTML and CSS hacking, I am shooting a rabbit with a bazooka here. Whatever - this has been a comedy of errors and frustration, truly a blown afternoon ...
I located the very nice Install/Update functionality (Help, Software Updates, Find and Install), and enabled FTP and WEBAV Support - but that didn't quite get me there either - getting messages about missing FTPExportWizards. I then just skipped ahead to one of my upcoming projects by chekcng out PHPeclipse, a very nice looking collection of plugins that includes Apache and QuantumDB stuff - but still, no basic FTP or SFTP support. Well, the DOS batch files still work, and I'm going to punt for now and play with the other fun stuff I've found, but definitely a downer afternoon, wondering if Eclippse is the bullet I need ...