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cazh1: on Business, Information, and Technology

Thoughts and observations on the intersection of technology and business; searching for better understanding of what's relevant, where's the value, and (always) what's the goal ...

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Metapost - Lifespan, terms, new editor, and lining up the big series

A post on posting ...

  • I got a comment today from a post that is just under two years old - interesting, the life span of this stuff.
    • I don't have a sales background, so I had to google Jorge's terms: FAB - Features, Advantages, Benefits; - Attention, Interest, Desire, Action
    • I will say that any tech manager should look into taking a sales class (or read a book, listen to some tapes ...) where they would explain terms like that. It's good to understand the psychology and process of the sale, even if you don't want to do it for a living.
  • I have recently been referring vendors / potential vendors to some of my previous posts, hoping they could improve their approach, especially in terms of the most effective ways to do business with me. Sometimes, it makes you want to write a book ...

  • I've upgraded to the new version of Blogger, so my desktop blogging tool no longer works. I'm using this as an excuse to work on one of my "resolutions" for the year, trying to eat some of the Web 2.0 dogfood. I agree with the vision that web-based applications will be a significant, viable, relevant part of the future of application delivery, and I aspire to design systems / solutions that take advantage of that architecture - so I need to start converting how I do what I do to be more web-based.
    • <aside> I'm very comfortable recommending solutions, and evaluating potential technology partners (ie. consultants / contractors / colleagues) when I have hands-on experience building, implementing, training, and using the technology in question. I kinda like to know where the potholes are, and when stuff is being shoveled at me, dig?</aside>

    So - I've found WriteToMyBlog , an excellent web-based blogging editor. It's free (nice), and comes with plenty of features - my favorite is the button to add links (lots of extras, check out the hover text on these links!). I did have some trouble with Firefox and the AdBlock plugin - I've sent in my comments / observations, hopefully they can do something to resolve it. Still - a highly recommended site.

  • I have a long list of design-oriented sites / items that I want to blog about - some really interesting stuff, and I'm starting to see how I can explain that ephemeral, yet critical connection between technical skill and design sense. My challenge is that it's not the kind of easy message that fits into a single blog post.
  • I will use my newly-found fave process - Mind Mapping - to try to put some order to the lightly connected thoughts. The challenge, I think, will be how to break it up effectively into separate posts; it's not a linear topic, like these series were. I suspect I will need to rely on the hyperlink to connect the threads. Should be interesting ...
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