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cazh1: on Business, Information, and Technology

Thoughts and observations on the intersection of technology and business; searching for better understanding of what's relevant, where's the value, and (always) what's the goal ...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Introducing ... Google Wave

    Thank you for signing up to give us early feedback on Google Wave. We're happy to give you access to Google Wave and are enlisting your help to improve the product.
    To accept your invitation, sign into Google Wave at the following link ...
Well, maybe not the most exciting email I've received over the past few years, but it was nice to get the [sorta] early notice. I'm definitely in the second wave, but I'll not look a gift URL in the mouth.

Of course, no early impressions just yet - the interface upon start up is spare, looks like Yet Another Email Client. I will check out the introductory video(s) - I typically do my best learning by playing around a bit (without reading any manuals), then watch a demo or get an expert to give me a quick tour - and then I'll get serious. Something to do this weekend, or while waiting around during the Next Big Go-Live (project at work).

Like previous Google apps, this one came with invites - but this is 2009, man, and I've got Tweetdeck at the ready! Soon after receiving the invite, I put the word out (via LinkedIn, too), and got a number of responses from fellow adventurers looking for their own golden ticket.

I have no idea how long it will take to close the loop - my Wave page/inbox/site/thingie makes it look like I've added these folks to a List of Indeterminate Length, with no ETA on delivery. Still, I think it might be interesting to gather their feedback into a mini review of this newest communication technology. More to follow ...

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