Back in the Swing, Jump on the Bandwagon
Yes, I definitely need to get back in the habit of posting here - can't always blame skipped days on the crazy demands of the job - but it has been an interesting holiday season.
Still, need to rededicate (no, I don't believe in New Year's resolutions) myself to the posting of the blog. Today's topic - self-referential as it is - is blogs / blogging.
- The big break seems to be the Fortune magazine article proclaiming blogs as the next big thing in media.
- A nice item in Yahoo with some metrics on rising readership - summarizing the Pew report released just yesterday. Lots of comments on this throughout the internet - not worth it to link to all, but I love how everybody reads the same thing and has a different takeaway.
But I think the interesting threads out there are talking about how the blog as a medium is evolving. For example ...
- Doc Searls pulled together some links on how "traditional" journalism is problematic because the journalist has become part of the story
- Some have decried the super bloggers, but Evelyn Rodriguez writes nicely about the value of the "personal voice" of personal bloggers
- Pierce is writing about the blog as a marketing tool.
- Infosential just posted about blogs as a project management tool
- The blog traffic on the SE Asia tsunami has been historic, and is driving the growth / maturation of picture blogs, even creating a new "category" of video blogs
Key is that this blog is attempting to mature into an element of my "personal branding" efforts, definitely a work in process, but one that must continue to get a nice chunk of time carved out for it through the course of the year. Lots of backed up material, just need to dedicate the time ...