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cazh1: on Business, Information, and Technology

Thoughts and observations on the intersection of technology and business; searching for better understanding of what's relevant, where's the value, and (always) what's the goal ...

Monday, March 14, 2005

Things for the DIY programmer to consider

Things for the DIY programmer to consider

Another thought-provoking post on Thinking Faster - he sounds like my business doppelganger ...

When considering the option to build vs. buy, or at least involve corporate IT and/or experienced developers, most folks with a business background miss some key considerations about their approach:

  1. Is robust multi-user required? Excel spreadsheets deal with this challenge rather effectively - like a book, one user at a time. Access opens the door, but most business developers don't appreciate common multiple user issues like record locking.
  2. Does it scale? Related to #1 above - how many records until the spreadsheet or database starts to show some strain? Also, with databases, the tradeoffs for multiple indexes (report / query speed vs. transactional overhead) are typically not considered.
  3. Version Control, Configuration Management, and Deployment - Getting the software to work on your own machine is quite different than managing the ongoing maintenance and deployment to multiple machines.

I suppose I could go on, but those are usually my favorite three gotchas when working with internal groups.

Now, hopefully I don't sound too elitist or dismissive of folks that want to do internal development like this. On the contrary, I applaud their aggressive nature, encourage their application of technology to business, and appreciate the cost / time-to-value argument they can often make. However, it is our task in IT to make sure the Total Cost of any technology decision is thought through.

One passing comment - I just love it when folks say "but this is such a great idea ... maybe, when it's done, we could commercialize it!" It never fails - it has happened in every company I've ever worked for ... ah, the lure of miniscule COGS (hey, blank CDs are cheap, right?). I then get to regale them with tales of woe from my developer days ...

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